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Bakunin Politics. — Chapter 5. GERMANY AND RUSSIA
Article published on 19 January 2018

by Eric Vilain

The text entitled “Germany and Russia” is inspired by Chapter 5 of my Bakounine Politique, Révolution et contre-révolution en Europe centrale, published in 1991 by the Éditions du Monde libertaire. However, I did not limit myself to a literal translation of this chapter 5, which simply served as a starting point for developing questions inspired by almost thirty years of reading and reflection.

I apologize to the English-speaking readers for my English, which is a bit laboured and certainly full of awkward turns of phrase and clumsy formulations.

“We are the sworn enemies of Pan-Slavism as much as of Pan-Germanism,
and in a future pamphlet we shall devote a particular
study to this issue, which we consider extremely important;
For the moment, we shall simply say that we consider it a sacred and
urgent duty for Russia’s revolutionary youth to oppose with all their might and by all means Pan-Slav propaganda carried out in Russia and in the Slavic territories by official and private Slavophile agents of the Russian Government; They try to convince the unfortunate Slavs that the Tsar of Petersburg, filled with ardent patriotic love for his
Slavic brethren,(...) can and wants to liberate the Slavic countries from the German yoke...”

(Statism and Anarchy, IV, p. 230)